Have you ever looked at your iPhone weather report and noticed an air quality report?
While outdoor air quality is important, the quality of air inside your home also matters. The definition of air quality is, “the degree to which the air in a particular place is pollution-free.”
Younger children, older adults, and people with heart and respiratory conditions have a higher risk of becoming sick with low indoor air quality. You can improve your indoor air quality by being mindful of the following steps.
Hire a professional to test your indoor air quality. Companies should be able to target air issues and provide solutions.
Use an Air Purifier - A purifier with a HEPA filter does the best job of removing dangerous particles in the air.
Rid your home of pollutants - be mindful of harmful ingredients in cleaning products. Choose non-toxic, safer alternatives.
Prevent common allergies - Allergens such as mold, dust, pet dander, and dust mites are easily found in homes. Taking steps to control allergens can improve indoor air quality. A few tips include washing your bedding in hot water, purchasing hypoallergenic bedding, and regular cleaning and dusting.
Ensure proper ventilation in the home - Fresh, outdoor air is a great way to ventilate your home. However, please use caution if doing so is unsafe. Using exhaust fans in your bathroom and above your stove can also help move air outside and move harmful particles away from one place.
As you can see, small adjustments can yield healthy results. Is there anything else that you can change in your home to ensure it’s safe?